Gumbo Chili Showdown Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

▼   How do I get to the Showdown?
The Showdown will be held at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. The event will take place in the grass fields at the East corner of the parking lot – enter the stadium on Lott Street.
▼   Where do I park?
You may park at no charge in the Ladd-Peebles Stadium parking lot.
▼   What should I wear?
This is an outdoor event. High heels are not advised. Last year the weather was warm enough for shorts and tee-shirts during the afternoon.
▼   Should I bring food or beverages?
There will be plenty of gumbo and chili for you to eat. Food is included with your admission. Soda and water will be available for purchase at vending booths.
▼   Do I need to bring money?
Tickets are $10 the day of the event, but you can pre-order for $8. If you would like to pre-order a ticket, email your name and intent to attend to There will be soft drinks available for purchase at the event. All proceeds benefit the Regan Robinson Young Scholarship.
▼   What is the People’s Choice Award?
The People’s Choice Award is your opportunity to select your favorite gumbo or chili. Tasters vote for their favorite team by giving money to the teams at the event, $1 = 1 vote. All money goes directly to the scholarship.
▼   I would like to be a sponsor!
Sponsorship at our event has many benefits. You can become a sponsor by contacting us at
▼   What happens if it rains?
This is an outdoor event. It will go on rain or shine. We have no rain location.


Questions for Teams

▼   What will I need to bring?

Each team will cook 10 gallons of either chili or gumbo, fresh, that Saturday on a propane burner. Cooking starts by 7AM and the event opens to the public at 10:30AM! (Sorry, no premixed or pre-cooked gumbo or chili is allowed. Electricity cannot be supplied and no generators or large batteries are allowed due to safety concerns.)

You will need a cooker with propane (enough for 8 cooking hours), pot & lid, and cooking utensils. The equipment should be large enough for cooking 10 gallons of chili or gumbo. Teams may bring their own drinks in an ice chest and chairs.

▼   What time should we arrive at the stadium on the day of the Gumbo Chili Showdown?
Cooking starts between 6 and 8 am Saturday, the event opens to the public at 10:30AM. Be ready to serve visitors and judges by 10:45AM.
▼   What is provided?
We will provide breakfast, plastic gloves, bowls, plastic flatware, napkins, tables, and tents. We will have live music again this year and a bounce house for kids!
▼   May we decorate our tent?
We encourage all teams to decorate their tents and tables!
▼   What is the People's Choice Award?
The People's Choice Award is the attendees' opportunity to select their favorite gumbo or chili. The team that collects the most money at the event wins the People's Choice Award. Money may be donated by attendees (or contestants) or collected by teams by selling raffle tickets. Money raised goes to the Regan Robinson Young Scholarship.
▼   A company wants to sponsor my team.
Student teams are allowed to have a company cover the cost of participating in the Showdown. The teams will be responsible for recognizing their sponsors.
▼   What should team members wear?
Please wear comfortable clothes, as you will be on location for about 8 hours. Many teams last year made team shirts or came in costumes to compliment their table decorations!
▼   Is it going to rain?
This is an outdoor event. It will go on rain or shine. We have no rain location. It has rained in the past, but that did not dampen our spirit! Should the weather become dangerous for our attendees, teams, and staff; we will wait the weather out in the stadium.
▼   What happens at the Head Chef's meeting?
The time and place of the Head Chef's Meeting for the 2016 event will be announced at a later date. At this meeting, you will turn in your exam certificate for a Food Handler's Permit, review the Showdown rules, get your tent and table assignments, and have all other questions answered. Attendance is mandatory for the team Head Chef!
▼   Do I need a Food Handler's Permit?
One member of each team needs a food handler's permit. If no team member has a permit, then take your food handler's course online at Safeway Classes. You may use your driver's license number or the last 4 digit of your social security number to register on the website. Bring the certificate to the Head Chef's meeting with your ID to obtain your permit. Teams pay for the online course and the Showdown will cover the Health Department Permit fee. You may get your license at any other class offered by the health department at your own cost.
▼   Will we have access to electricity?
We will not have power outlets available to the teams. Generators and batteries for running equipment are not allowed due to space and safety concerns.
▼   Where do teams park?
There will be plenty of parking inside the fence at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. There will be no charge for parking on the day of the event.
▼   How do we unload our equipment?
Teams may have one vehicle in the event area to transport supplies. Vehicles must be out of the area prior to the event opening to the public.